Saturday, March 15, 2008

All this time coming...

So, I finally called Pop today. It felt good to hear his
voice. I can't explain the rush of emotions that hit
me. It was like having a piece of you restored.
However this whole time I expected him to call me
and fix things. Grandma's the one who broke us
apart. He took her side. Why is it always this way
in life? But then it fell apart. As quickly as it came
together Grandma ruined it. She basically tore me
apart in ways that no one has...which is hard to do
because she has torn me apart once before and many
others have given me my fair share of scars. I don't
know where this is going to lead. All I know is that I
have to trust God to fix things. I can't deal with it. I'm
far too weak. I broke down during my short convo
with her so I know that I won't be able to work things
out when the worst of it hits. Oh well. Things always
work out in some way or other. Right?

Spring Break is officially over. No more relaxing and
wasting time. There are things to be finished, grades
to earn, and jobs to find. Here comes spring with all
its own issues. (Most of which I gladly welcome).
Guess we'll see where this season leads me, eh?

As the phrase goes, "Carry on, keep on dancing."
No matter what comes in my way I have to move through
life and pursue happiness and strive for excellence.
Strength is gained only when things are broken.
