Sunday, January 20, 2008


Why not fill everyone in on life?
Life is going pretty well. I'm busy,
as usual, but I love what I'm doing.
I'm excited. There are so many
opportunities opening up and it's
amazing. :D

I hope things go well for the show.
So far the show is going well. It's
hilarious. :D People should come
and experience the wonderful
world of William (Shakespeare).
I'm excited! Only a few more weeks
until opening.

I've come to realize that life never
gives you a definite answer to anything.
You are left out on the outskirts of
what might be the answer but you just
have to leap and believe what you are
doing is right for you at that moment.
Life is all chance. It's insanity. It's
beautiful. I'm ready to jump in and
see where it takes me next.

I'm feeling so inspired right now that
I don't know what to do with myself.
I am not sure what has brought this
upon me. God. I want to go do something.

Quote of the moment:

"Fall in love or fall in hate.
Get inspired or be depressed.
Ace a test or flunk a class.
Make babies or make art.
Speak the truth or lie and cheat.
Dance on tables or sit in the corner.
Life is divine chaos. Embrace it.
Forgive yourself. Breathe.
And enjoy the ride..."

This quote is amazing. Love it.
Apply it to your life in some way.
Or just think about it. You never
know where that thought might
lead you...


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