Monday, December 3, 2007

And here we go again...another week.

So, I have to give an oral presentation on Stage Management
today in English. :( I don't know how I'm feeling about this.
I love SM-ing but people in this class are not going to
understand it. There is so much that I've been through during
the past five years that I can't begin to explain the adrenaline
rush I get from running a show, fixing a problem during a
performance, and just being in the moment. Oh well. I'm going
to make the most of it. I'll have fun looking like an idiot.
It's what I do best.

Next week is the annual theatre department Holiday Party. :D
I'm pretty excited. Maybe it's because I'm naive, or maybe
because I just love the end of the first semester, but I'm truly
excited. I even hate the Christmas season but I'm looking forward
to a Christmas Party. ((I sound like an old person, getting excited
over a holiday party.)) Maybe I'll get in the holiday spirit .

I'm slightly sad that grandma isn't talking to me. She is blaming
it all on me, saying that she never told anyone that she was done
with me....however, I heard her say it herself. I just wish I could
tell her that I'm not a bad person, I didn't do a thing to her, heck,
I even helped her and Pop as much as I could....but yet I'm the one
that is shot down (along with my mom, dad, and brother). As
evil as it sounds, I don't miss her. Not yet. I've went longer without
speaking to her. I just want to know that she's happy without us.
The logic doesn't make sense but it's what I'm thinking.

It'll all work itself out. Life has a way of doing that.


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